JWF’s Story

From humble beginnings, we’ve grown to annual operating sales over $100 million encompassing over 1.3 million square feet of manufacturing space and employing over 400 professionals.


Johnny’s Welding

John Polacek Sr. worked at Bethlehem Steel in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

As a way to make ends meet for his wife and nine children, he started Johnny’s Welding in the back of his pick-up truck.



Johnny’s Welding expanded to a two-car garage and employed John’s son, Bill Polacek.


Johnstown Welding

John Sr. passed away after a fulfilling life, leaving a lasting impression on his children.

Bill Polacek bought Johnny’s Welding from his mother and started Johnstown Welding and Fabrication, Inc.


Continued Expansion

Bethlehem Steel facilities close in Johnstown, PA.

Johnstown Welding and Fabrication, Inc. expands into 500,000 square-foot facility, formerly the Lower Works. This housed the 8 inch mill, 11 inch mill, and Mag Shed. The company’s headquarters still operate here today.


Winning Contracts

Bill expands services and wins a contract with Bethlehem Steel corporate office. He moves his company into the 36,000 square-foot shop at the former Bethlehem Steel facility in Johnstown.

Continued expansion of services and clients enables company to expand and buy a bankrupt 60,000 square-foot factory.


Iron Street

Bill purchases 10-acre tract on Iron Street, once part of the Lower Works facility.


JWF Industries

After years of growth and expansion, the company name is shortened to JWF Industries to reflect its continuing diversity.


JWF Defense Systems

John Polacek Jr. leaves executive position at BAE Systems aerospace company and joins JWF Industries.

Bill and John start JWF Defense Systems, a business specifically focused on supplying Department of Defense prime contractors with reliable, on-time fabrications and sub-assemblies.


Environmental Tank & Container

Leadership recognizes the opportunity to service the oil and gas industry as JWF Industries is located on the Marcellus and Utica Shale formations for natural gas drilling.

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) office changes drilling regulations that limit the amount of total dissolved solves that can be discharged in waterways.

JWF Industries develops a new line of products for above ground containment vehicles to transport water to treatment plants.

Environmental Tank and Container (ETC), located in a former Shell plant, is created as a new division of JWF Industries.


JWF Energy

Environmental Tank and Container (ETC) now operates under parent company, JWF Industries, in the Energy division.

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Our Team of Experts

We are dedicated to excellence, bringing expertise and commitment to every project.

Bill Polacek

CEO & Chairman of the Board

William Polacek


John Polacek


Tom Polacek

Executive VP of Employer of Choice

Bill Mardis

Executive VP of Operations

John Polacek Jr.

VP of Programs

David Scott

Chief Process Officer

Steve Kobal

Chief Financial Officer

Kevin Schropp

VP of Operations

Shawn Dorian

VP of Quality

Shawn Koontz

VP of BD, Sales, and Marketing

Veronica Hartman

Director of Human Resources

Craig Drummer

VP of Quality

Michael Johns

VP of Supply Chain

JoAnn Trabold

Executive Assistant

Christina Galasso

Business Development

Dawn Fuchs Coleman

Advisory Board

Albert Dombrowski

Advisory Board

LtGen Richard Natonski

Advisory Board

LtGen George Trautman

Advisory Board

Carl Snyder

Advisory Board

Rear Admiral Lawrence Creevy

Advisory Board

Gary Slack

Advisory Board

Suzy Teele

Advisory Board

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

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